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Updated: 25 min 15 sec ago

Doberman's Adorable 'Sneak Attack' on Mom Leaves Him Beaming With Pride

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 2:00pm

It's so funny when dogs think they're being so sneaky that they must be temporarily invisible. I mean, I can't completely prove that's what they think (obviously), but really, how else can you explain it? 

The sneaky little Doberman in this adorable video seems to think he's invisible, that's for sure. Or as the on-screen text suggests, "Maybe he just likes the 'high drama' this hallway brings." Either way, the way he creeps up so laser focused is absolutely hilarious—I'll just let you decide. See for yourself: 


Its one of his favorite games . #doberman #dobermans #servicedog #servicedogs #dogsoftiktok #funnydogs #dogswithjobs #medicalalertdog

♬ Little Things - Adrian Berenguer

He's taking this "sneak attack" job very seriously. I like to imagine him thinking, "This is crazy! I can't believe she still can't see me!" as he inches closer and closer with that deep, dark stare. His eyes are on the prize. Just a few more steps...

Related: Doberman Caught Red-Handed After Getting Into Feather Pillows Is a Hoot

Then suddenly, boom—gotcha! Mission complete. It's just too funny. The build up was all time. I genuinely felt the suspense, especially right before he strikes. But the best part about it is how clearly proud he feels as he struts away after "getting" mom. I love that this is a recurring game between these two also. "It's one of his favorite games," the caption says. Dogs might not remember a lot, but they sure remember the things they love. 

How Much Do Dogs Really Remember?

As pet parents, you may think your furry friend has a pretty good memory. In fairness, a dog who’s been through obedience training, for example, remembers commands and hand signals. And they surely remember when it's time for a walk each morning, right? 

After years of dog walks, our pups seem to have a good memory for familiar places as well—like certain fences that seem to be the most fun to bark at and which poles and trash cans to "go" on, etc. 

But the question is: do dog memories work the same way as humans? The simple answer is no, not really—but sometimes

You most likely remember the first day your dog came home to live with you. But have you ever stopped and wondered—does my dog remember when they met me for the first time? 

Well, again, they probably don’t. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t remember you

When you think about going for a walk, for instance, you probably remember specific walks you’ve taken in the past. You may reflect on a particular path, or recall the time it rained while you were out for a stroll. Stuff like that. 

Dogs don’t really think that way. In fact, research shows that they actually have very little direct recall. Instead, dogs have associative memory, which means they remember people, places, and experiences based on associations they have with them.

For example, my dog technically "remembers" walks because of his association with me sitting on the couch, putting on my shoes, grabbing the leash, etc. Every time I pull out those shoes—even if we're not going on a walk—he gets excited as if we are. 

While your dog might not remember every single thing you do together, this is just one small example of when they probably do. I don't imagine my dog having fond memories of puppyhood, but when he sees those shoes, he's remembers that he's ready. 

And really, that's perfectly fine. Even if dogs don’t have fond memories of the past, their recognition of the present is a good reminder to live in the moment and enjoy every experience you have together.

That... and to always let them "get you" as often as possible. This slick little Doberman was feeling pretty accomplished after that sneak attack. And it's our job to provide that feeling to our pets as often as we can. 

Cockatoo Going Home for the First Time Does the Best Excited Dance

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 1:47pm

We've all been to a vet's office where they have some kind of pet of their own, right? At least in the US, it's pretty common for vets to have "resident" pets, and it's almost never just a cat or a dog. 

One famous vet's office on TikTok has a couple of different resident pets, but the best one is a little Cockatoo. On Monday, February 5th, some of those animals got to actually go "home" with the employees of the office, and it's kind of amazing:


Heading home w the zoo crew! 🥰#birdsoftiktok #cumulusthecockatoo

♬ original sound - Fixchix

Fixchix Rescue is a vet's office where they take in rescue birds as well as treat others, so they have quite a few resident birds, including this guy. My vet's office has two tortoises named Ruth and Harriet!

Related: Cockatoo Stealing Pens From the Vet Is a Masterclass in Thievery

Cumulus, the White Cockatoo in the video, is the most notorious of all the Fixchix residents. He's gone viral countless times for his antics, which include things like:

  1. Screaming for fun.
  2. Stealing pens, pencils, and other office supplies.
  3. Waking up the rest of the birds.
  4. Singing very loudly.

According to Fixchix, Cumulus came to them when a local rescue picked him up out of a shelter, which is unfortunately a very popular place for exotic birds like him to end up. People get them as babies thinking they can handle them, but then they get bigger, louder, and harder to handle. Exotic birds also require very specific climates, have high vet costs, and long lifespans that can just be too much. 

For Cumulus, he was taken in by Fixchix with a prolapsed anus, which is typically the result of an improper diet. Since he landed there, though, he's fully recovered and transformed into the drama king we all know and love!

White Cockatoos Are a Protected Species

Despite the fact that a large percentage of the people who take in birds like Cumulus end up surrendering them, thousands of these birds are sold every single year. To keep up with the demand, they're constantly facing illegal capture in the wild; these wild caught birds typically get sold to breeders rather than to individuals. 

Their desirability, coupled with consistent habitat loss over the last few decades, have earned White Cockatoos a spot on the IUCN's Red List. They're currently listed as endangered, and their population is continually decreasing. And yet, people who know nothing about exotic birds are still scooping them up.

If you really want to get one of these birds and you're experienced enough to do it right, more power to you! If at all possible, look into exotic bird rescues in your area: odds are, there's one there waiting. Rescue birds might take a little bit more work to tame, but it's worth it to know you're doing good for the bird and the environment alike!

Orange Cat Making Friends With a Cow Is Pure Orange Cat Behavior

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 12:30pm

Farm animals might seem like a wise financial decision: they provide for you and your family and can even become a source of income. Even with all of the money in the world, there will be nothing you can do to stop them becoming a part of your family.

On Thursday, February 1st, one farmer showcased the hilarious friendship between one of their cows and a very orange cat:


Orange cat behaviour is a real thing and its got merch dropping soon! Get yours at or see link in my bio. #cows #cats #mooandmeow #orangecatbehavior #farming #farmgirl

♬ original sound - Oliviasperl

It looks like @oliviasperl definitely has her hands full with Boris and his bestie. They're perfect!

Related: Orange Cat Shares Breakfast With Tiny Mouse and It’s Just Unreal

Boris is out in the barn, which is where he loves to be, according to his mom. She finds him bothering the cows frequently, and they seem to love him just as much. She usually finds them grooming him, which this cow is attempting to do in this video, while he just lays back knowing he won't be the one dealing with the hairballs later. It's kind of hilarious.

Generally speaking, female cows are gentle giants. They enjoy living together in a herd, and they've been known to accept a variety of different animals "into" the herd, like cats, dogs, donkeys, and more. As long as the other party isn't aggressive, the cows will be okay. The only potential cause for concern with this is that, if something were to spook the cows or spark a fight, Boris could get trampled, but that is highly unlikely and he's close enough to the fence to get out quickly if needed.

Do Farms Need Barn Cats?

If you look at the tags on those cows' ears, you'll notice that these are real, working dairy cows, not just pet cows on a hobby farm. According to Olivia, Boris is a bonafide barn cat, too: he does not go inside the house. Instead, he lives out in the barn with the herd and any livestock guardians.

The theory behind having barn cats is that they live in the barn and eliminate any potential rodent problems: rats, mice, and chipmunks are notorious for trying to seek shelter in the warm bales of hay and chewing into bags of livestock feed. If a barn is infested with rodents, it poses a legitimate health risk to your herd: by eating the droppings (even unintentionally) or getting bit, they're at risk for catching diseases that could be fatal. 

The right barn cat will definitely help with the problem, but should not be a substitute for properly insulating your barn against intruders or calling in a professional exterminator if your barn becomes infested. But for day-to-day maintenance, barn cats are great!

Dog’s Over-the-Top Response To Seeing Man Who Saved Him Is Everything

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 12:30pm

Dogs remember humans who have treated them well. Especially those who were saved by caring souls. Even as time passes, they never forget the kindness that was given to them.

The pure love this dog exudes leaves no doubt about the wonderful human he’s reuniting with. It’s a touching moment between a man and his best friend.

Watch their heartwarming reunion in this video, shared on February 4:


Once a year Stevie’s original rescuer Mike comes to visit for Christmas. And Stevie doesn’t react like this with anyone else. He knows. He remembers ❤️ #Spreadsteviejoy #steviethewonderdog #chawareness #cerebellarhypoplasia #cerebellarhypoplasiadogs #disableddogs #labs #cutedog #funnydog #rescuedogs #yellowlab #labradorretriever #reunited #fyp #following #trending

♬ original sound - Stevie the Wonderdog

It’s impossible to know what a dog has gone through before finding their new family. But this dog's greeting to his original rescuer must be a sign of his gratitude for being rescued. No doubt, his current world is better than it was before. Stevie is unable to contain his joy when he sees the man who changed his life. He can't keep his paws on the ground as he radiates excitement. His mom explains he comes to visit once a year at Christmas and Stevie’s overjoyed response is something he reserves just for him. That is so adorable! Dogs never forget good people. It must bring this kind man an equal amount of joy to see the dog he rescued thriving. It's lovely to know that he's able to pay this sweet boy a yearly visit.

Related: Moment Stray Dog Realizes He's Safe with Rescuers Is So Moving

Dogs Living With Cerebellar Hypoplasia

This neurological condition causes Stevie to be a bit wobbly. However, he’s not in any pain or distress. This disorder can occur during gestation or shortly after birth. It can be caused by the mother being malnourished or from having an infectious disease like parasites, a tick-borne illness, or distemper. Young puppies, who are exposed to toxins, or sustain brain injuries, can also develop this disease. Fortunately, the dog's condition doesn't worsen with age. In fact, it can even improve as the dog learns to adapt. As the Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid Florida educates us, “Airedales, Boston Terriers, Bull Terriers, and Chow Chows” are the breeds most prone to developing it.

People enjoyed seeing this joyous reunion. Viewer @KatheryneMCook reacted, “I’ve never seen this level of excitement in Stevie. Must be a fantastic memory!” There’s no doubt about that! Member @TeresaWatkins responded, “So sweet and so excited! He definitely shows his appreciation!” That’s for sure! Viewer @Giners remarked, “This is what I hope for when we go to heaven.” If it isn’t like this, I don’t want to go.

This affectionate display should assure all dog rescuers that they will be remembered for their goodwill. Undoubtedly, these dogs appreciate the kindness and selflessness that provided them with a better life.

Woman Lists 6 Reasons Her Corgi is 'Actually a Cat' and They're Spot-On

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 12:15pm

While there are plenty of personality traits that are generally similar amongst our furry friends, there are plenty that aren't all the same. Some dogs are true dog's dogs, if you know what I mean. And some... well, let's just say some might've been cats in their past lives. 

One Corgi mom recently shared a hilarious video on TikTok listing off six reasons her Corgi is "actually a cat" and they're literally spot-on. If you're a Corgi parent yourself, then I'm sure this is all too relatable. If not, you should come along for some laughter either way, because it's pretty hysterical. Take a look:  


I’m convinced Graffiti was a cat in his past life 🐈 #corgi #dogs #cat #pets #funnydog

♬ original sound - Brady & Graffiti the Corgis

I mean, after hearing (and seeing) the reasons, it's pretty hard to argue, right? My dog makes that same "purring" noise when I scratch him, too, and I've literally always thought the same thing—he's a cat! And since we're on the subject, the grooming and hatred for rain are similar as well. But the stretching and "constant judging" are too funny. Corgis are a unique breed, that's for sure. Strange little pups! And I absolutely love it. 

Related: Corgi's Adorable Plea to Clear the Couch for a Nap is Too Funny

This cute little guy's name is Graffiti, by the way, and I could just sit here and stare at the first clip of this video for hours. Look at those loving little eyes! Are you kidding me!? He can groom himself and judge us all as much as he wants. Graffiti is a gem as far as I'm concerned.  

Why Corgis Are Such Intelligent Dogs

If you've ever heard someone say, "looks can be deceiving," they very well might've been referring to a Corgi. 

Between their short legs, fluffy bodies, and big ears, Corgis may not look like the most intelligent of dogs, but again, what did we just learn? Appearances can be deceiving. Because the truth is, Corgis are much smarter than they look

Like all dogs, the exact level of their intelligence can vary from individual to individual, but most sit higher than the average dog. But why? Simply put, their intelligence stems from a blend of training, genetics, and personality.

Corgis are known for their trainability. Their ability to problem solve, and their ability to understand their human's emotions are just a few traits that make them such adaptable dogs; ones capable of learning wide range of tasks.

Additionally, Corgis are eager to please their humans. They are quick to learn new commands and tricks because they want to impress us as often as possible. 

Plus, they are very good at adapting to new situations, which makes them easy to train for a wide range of behaviors like sitting, staying, and coming when called.

These pups are very perceptive, too. They can (and will) quickly pick up on subtle changes in their human's behavior. This allows them to anticipate their needs and respond accordingly, which also makes them versatile dogs—perfect for any family home! 

I understand intelligence can be difficult to define and measure in animals. However, don't get it twisted! Corgis are still considered to be intelligent nonetheless. And they're the perfect example of never judging a book by its cover. 

And while Graffiti here might act like a cat, I like to think he's doing it on purpose. In some strange, clever way, he's outsmarting us all... we just don't realize it. 

Or, perhaps, maybe he simply was a cat in his past life? Whatever the case, I'm going to let you decide. He sure is cute either way. 

Pup Helping His Mom With Her Vocal Warmups Needs a Record Deal Stat

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 11:22am

In this world, there are dogs who are born with lungs of steel and dogs that are not. If you happen to get a dog with a set of steel lungs, you're in for quite the noise fest - and it can happen to any breed at any time. 

Sometimes, a dog will go years without showing off their true powers, but they can't keep them at bay forever. On Sunday, February 4th, one dog finally let loose:


I made a goal to sing more often… apparently Eddy did too. #dogsoftiktok #howling #cutedog #funnydog

♬ original sound - Kelsey McEwen, Meteorologist

Kelsey McEwen may be a meteorologist, but I doubt she was expecting this much thunder that day!

Related: Little Dog Goes Viral for Perfectly Singing Along to Dad's Harmonica

The incredible singer in this video is a 3.5 year old rescue dog named Eddy. They have no idea exactly what his breed is, but Kelsey says they think he's a Husky/Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix, which would definitely explain the howling: all of these are breeds that love to be as loud as possible. However, she also says that Eddy has never done anything like this before, but since he was a rescue, that tracks. He may not have been allowed to howl in his previous home.

Rescue dogs (and all new dogs, really) tend to be very cautious when they come home for the first time. This is called the "honeymoon phase," when your new dog is quiet and sweet. That typically fades about a month in, and your dog becomes the chaotic monster they really are. That's when you'll find out they like to sing!

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Dogs of any breed can howl, but not every dog does. Typically, a howling episode is induced by a high-pitched noise: they hear something like a siren, a loud horn, or a human singing and decide to sing along. Similarly, if one dog howls, another is inclined to howl back. Huskies, Malamutes, Dalmatians, and Samoyeds are big howlers, though I've got a gaggle of three Boston Terriers who all love to howl.

If your dog is howling and you just can't figure out why, it might be because:

  1. Your dog is in pain.
  2. Your dog wants your attention.
  3. Your dog is bored.

A howling episode typically won't last more than a minute. If it persists, make sure your pup is okay physically, and then try offering them toys or taking them on a walk. Unexplained, persistent howling that lasts for more than about 20 minutes means you should call your vet, just in case. You never know what these crazy pups might be getting up to!

Dog's Annoyance Over Sharing the Futon with Mom Is Full of the Cutest Attitude

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 11:15am

As much as we constantly spoil our pets, it never seems to be enough. In their eyes, the world was designed to cater to them, walk them, feed them and comfort them by any means necessary. And we love every second of it. 

But sometimes they can be a little pushy—literally—like this irritated pup who clearly doesn't want to share the futon with mom. The footage is hilarious and I'm sure plenty of you can relate. Take a look:


this was hard to watch, tysm to my amazon blinks for capturing this moment #dogs #funnydog #pets #humor #funnyvideos #dogsofttiktok

♬ Funny - Gold-Tiger

Now, I don't know how long they had been sitting there, but at first glance the pup looks so calm and peaceful. He looks like he's deep in dreamland. So it's extra funny when he begins his outburst because you get a little surprise added to the laughter. That is some serious sass! Even the way he's looking at her—that stare down is real.

Related: Golden Retriever’s Over-the-Top Attitude at the Groomer Is a Real Giggle-Fest

The doggy translator is amazing as well. I'll never get tired of people translating their dog's barks, movements, thoughts—all of it. The suspense is building and he says, "I'm going to count to 3," but when he gets to two, he asks, "What's after 2?" Pure gold. I'm cracking up over here. I guess sometimes dogs just want to be left alone. I mean, hardly ever, but sometimes.

Why Dogs Need Personal Space

Everyone enjoys their personal space. It's a sacred space. And when someone (or something) invades it, we typically don't like it, right? Well, the same can be said for dogs. 

Like humans, dogs have their own personal space and typically don’t appreciate strangers encroaching on it. Just because a dog is out in public, doesn't necessarily mean he loves every person on the planet. In fact, it could be quite the opposite. 

Some dogs simply aren't as social as others. So in all honesty, the best thing to do when you see an adorable dog in public is to tell their mom or dad how beautiful their dog is and keep going. That is, of course, unless it runs up to you and wants some love. In that case, what can you do?

Either way—before you approach the dog—it's still always best to ask the parent for permission to interact with their furry friend. It's also important not to be offended if they say no. 

And that's simply because there are many reasons why someone may not want you to pet their dog. The pup might be in training, for instance, and doesn't need any added distractions. 

They might have a painful spot on their body and can be touchy about where they're petted. The owner might be in a hurry, or not feeling well. The list goes on. Whatever the case, if the owner asks you not to pet their dog, be respectful of that. 

Just remember, dogs in public spaces have just as much right to anonymity as we do. 

Would you walk up to a perfect stranger and start patting their head and ruffling their clothes just because they are walking down the sidewalk? Eh, maybe don't answer that. But obviously, that’s weird! Same goes for dogs. 

That said, in this particular sofa battle, I think this pup had a little more room to spare for his mom than he was allowing. It's their world, though. We're just living in it.  

Special Moment Between Samoyed and His Grandpa Is Melting Hearts

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 11:05am

Our four-legged children often have a special relationship with their grandparents, just as human children do. The bond they share is on a level of its own. However, capturing these precious moments on camera isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

Fortunately, for this fur mom, she was able to catch a sweet interaction between her dog and his grandpa. It’s a beautiful conversation that will touch your heart.

See them sharing this exceptional sweetness in a video shared on January 29:


I’m not crying, you are 🥺❤️ #dog #wholesome

♬ Married Life (From "Up") - Gina Luciani

I love everything about this adorable exchange. Boomer’s mom struck gold when she began recording. Even though we often have these kinds of memories to cherish in our minds, we’re rarely able to preserve them in this way. Fortunately, this fur mom will have this moment to look back on for years to come.

Related: Dog Salon Looks Like a Winter Wonderland After Giving Samoyed a Blowout

Starting the Day With Grandpa

When Boomer goes outside to join Grandpa on the balcony to say good morning, it’s easy to understand why he wants to be close to him. Greeting him he softly whispers, “You’re a good doggie. You’re the best doggie.” How sweet is he? It always feels good to have your ego boosted so early in the day. It’s not Grandpa’s first time around dogs because when Boomer yawns, Grandpa asserts, “That’s a big yawn.” Just like a big stretch, an enormous yawn always needs to be emphasized by the human. Then he asks if he’s enjoying his vacation and if he’s having fun. If this beautiful Samoyed’s smile is the answer, it sure appears as though he is. How could anyone not have fun with all of this delightful affection? When vacation is over, it may maybe tough for both Grandpa and Boomer to adjust to life without each other again.

People are so touched by their loving relationship. Viewer @Celestial.Pagan remarked, “Such a good boy! He and Grandpa are obviously the best boys ever.” They are a perfect pair. Viewer @ZoeMackenzie responded, “My dog is like this with our grandmother/nanny. He will happily sit on her lap for cuddles.” They know exactly where to find the love. Viewer @AliceLittlejohnSaunders responded, “Boomer is such a lucky pup to have such a loving family who can see him for what he is a good boy.” There’s no doubt he brightens his family’s days as well.

Hopefully, this beautiful dog was able to enjoy even more sunshine and palm trees before heading back home. Although, with his thick coat of fur, it probably isn’t so bad being back in the snow.

Couple in Nova Scotia Shovels for 9 Hours to Keep Their Horses Safe After Storm

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 11:00am

We talk a lot about the lengths we'll go to keep our pets safe and comfortable, but this is pretty admirable right here. Next level!

CBS recently shared a video about a Nova Scotia couple named Kent and Deanna Peters who say the safety of their horses is a top priority. That's why after a recent storm hit, they spent over an hour crawling to their barn through the thick white slush—and another nine hours digging it out! All to ensure the roof wouldn't collapse and their horses would be safe. The footage is pretty unbelievable. Take a look:


Kent and Deanna Peters say the safety of their horses is a top priority. That’s why they spent an hour crawling to their barn through the snow — and then another nine hours digging it out. The Peters live in Albert Bridge, N.S., on Cape Breton Island. The area was hit by up to 150 cm of snow during a multi-day storm — the worst the province has experienced in two decades. Cape Breton Regional Municipality declared a seven-day local state of emergency on Sunday, closing schools and limiting transit services. The Peters say their horses are safe, but it’s now time for another daunting task: refilling the horse’s food supplies while the rest of the farm is still buried under metres of snow. #NovaScotia #Snowstorm #ShovellingSnow

♬ Quirky Suspenseful Indie-Comedy(1115050) - Kenji Ueda

The Peters' live in Albert Bridge, N.S., on Cape Breton Island and the area was recently hit with an unthinkable amount of snow during a multi-day storm. In fact, "it was the worst the province has experienced in two decades," reports CBS

Related: Horse Acts Like an 'Oversized Dog' and Couldn't Be More Endearing

Cape Breton Regional Municipality declared a seven-day local state of emergency on Sunday, closing schools and limiting transit services. By the looks of this video, that was probably the right call. Also, nine hours of digging up snow is no easy feat by any means. That's extremely impressive. And the fact that they did it all for their horses demands respect. The things we'll do for our pets...

Keeping Horses Safe in Winter

Winter can be magical time for you and your horse. From snowy rides to cozy grooming sessions in the barn, it's a chance to enjoy all the beauty the cold has to offer in such a special way. 

But as temperatures drop, it’s important to be aware of the extra precautions you should take to keep your horses safe, healthy and happy. 

For one, your hooved pal's feeding requirements change a little when it's cold. In fact, did you know that a horse’s calorie requirement can go up by as much as 25% on cold winter days? 

While this isn’t true for every horse, some may need additional feed during the winter season. Be sure to work with your veterinarian or nutritionist to figure out what is the right winter diet for your horse to ensure that they have adequate nutrition for those cold winter months.

And, of course, water is always at the top of any list. Horses obviously aren’t able to drink water if it’s frozen and are actually pretty reluctant to drink cold water in general when it is cold out. If temperatures fall below freezing: get lukewarm water for your horses. 

Horses prefer water about 68 degrees Fahrenheit when it’s cold and will drink more water at that temperature than water that is close to freezing. However, lukewarm water will freeze quicker than cold water and will need to be replaced more frequently. Just something to keep in mind! 

Adequate shelter is extremely important as well. Your horses should have access to proper shelter in order to get out of the wind, snow, sleet or rain during those bone-chilling days. 

Access to a stable or other suitable shelter can dramatically increase a horse’s tolerance to the cold weather. And always remember that horses that are wet or can't get out of the wind are more susceptible to the negative effects of cold weather, like frostbite, for instance. 

The Peters' certainly understand the importance of good shelter, that's for sure. And this borderline heroic effort of theirs is not going unnoticed. 

"I'm gonna have rock solid abs from this," says Kent at the beginning of the video. 

See! Way to look at the positives, Kent. Consider that a bonus point. 

Blind Cat Sweetly Caring for Abandoned Puppy Has People in Tears

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 10:55am

Animals feel things that we as humans will truly never be able to comprehend. Somehow, some way, they always just know. And seeing this blind kitty care for her new rescued puppy sibling is such a prime example of that notion. Okay, grab the tissues—here come the tears.

The cat we see in this heartwarming video is named Hattie and she is also a rescue, but her mama instincts kicked in immediately when she sensed this pup needed some comfort. Safe to say, that's her puppy now. Get ready to smile: 


Hattie is blind, she was rescued from the most horrendous hoarding sotiation you could imagine. My boyfriend found tbe puppy abandoned. She decided to take him in. #catsanddogs #mamacat #blindcat #unconditionallove

♬ Love - Revember

Moments like this remind us that love truly knows no boundaries. And I think more importantly, it also reminds us that we truly don't deserve animals. Hattie's heart is huge. She doesn't need vision to provide love and warmth. It's hard to argue that this little pup clearly needed some love in this moment, too. As mentioned, animals just know.

Related: Men Miraculously Find Abandoned Pup in a Towering 25-Foot Shipping Container

I really have to give it up to these pet parents as well. Their hearts must be huge, rescuing not one, but two adorable animals and literally giving them both a second chance at life. Also, who said dogs and cats can't be friends? I mean, this wholesome relationship stems far past friendship, if you ask me. These two are family and seeing this interaction is an absolute heart-melter... in all the best ways. 

How to Introduce Cats and Puppies

In cartoons, television, movies, and countless stories through history, the classic battle between cat and dog has been a timeless theme. Dog chases cat. Cat outsmarts dog. Dog gets distracted. Repeat. Or, you know... something like that

But as we know, that isn't necessarily always the case in the real world. 

Dogs and cats often get along just fine, but it takes some practice and patience to create that sense of peace between the two species. That's why when introducing any new pets to each other, it’s much better to control the situation rather than leave the animals to sort it out for themselves.

Again, cats and dogs are often depicted as enemies, but when they're introduced carefully, they can actually get along really well. That said, there are a few steps worth knowing that can be taken to ensure your cat and new puppy (or adult dog) can live together in harmony.

Preparing your home for your new furry friend is a big one. Considering whether any changes will need to be made to accommodate the new animal is very important and can really help with the initial transition (with minimum disruption to the other).

Swapping your dog's and cat's scents can be really beneficial as well, as it will likely make each pet a little more familiar with each other before actually meeting. 

From there, general introductions can begin, but again—patience is key. Try using a glass door or perhaps a mesh barricade (anything that allows the pets to see each other, but not touch each other). See how they react and monitor the introduction carefully. 

Keep the sessions short but constantly repeat them. When both pets seem comfortable, gradually let them continue to approach each other. If they are both relaxed, allow them to sniff each other and then calmly call your dog away. 

Remember: don’t progress too fast—it’s really important you’re cautious and all the introductions are gradual. When they eventually no longer seem bothered with each other’s presence, you can take your dog off the leash and offer a little more freedom. 

Just remember, no matter how well the meetings go, never leave your dog and cat together unattended. Keep a close eye on them and again, have patience. 

Chances are they aren't going to form an immediate bond like we saw in this adorable video, but with time, they can certainly come close. Good luck!

Oklahoma City Zoo Welcomes Endangered Langur Monkey Baby

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 10:13am

Zoos are constantly receiving new animals, and they've taken to posting their newest arrivals all over social media. Some animals are just born to be stars, and social media is exactly what it takes to get them there. 

An Oklahoma zoo shared a video of their newest baby Langur monkey on Monday, February 6th, and she's just incredible:


It’s a girl!! 😍💚 Say hello to Fera (pronounced like Farrah), Pam and Ripley’s brand-new baby girl! Born on Sunday, Jan. 28, Fera is named after the scientific name of the lotus flower which is the national flower of Vietnam, one of the many places langurs can be found! #okczoo #langur #babies

♬ knick knack pixar song - 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

The OKC Zoo seriously has some of the cutest baby animals I've ever seen in my life. Every single one just brings me so much joy!

Related: Moment Spider Monkey in the Wild Recognizes Photographer After 2 Years Is Incredible

The newest baby Langur monkey was born on Sunday, January 28th. Her name is Fera, and she's the daughter of the OKC Zoo's two resident Languar monkeys, Pam and Ripley, who both came to the zoo in 2021. They had arrived with the intention of breeding together; it was dictated in the Species Survival Plan. Fera is Pam's first child, though, so the zookeepers worked with her on training for a long time before actually allowing her to have a child. 

Francois' Langur monkeys are pregnant for around seven months, which would have meant Pam got pregnant sometime last spring. Interestingly, the orange hair on Fera's head is a characteristic that will fade as she ages: Francois' Langurs have bright hair as babies so that the adults can decipher between babies and adults. For now, Fera and Pam are bonding behind the scenes, but the staff is optimistic that she'll be ready for visitors sometime soon!

Francois' Langur Monkeys Are Endangered

These little monkeys are native to Southeast Asia, where they take up residence in the forest. They were discovered in the late 1800s by a man named August Francois, and they were subsequently named for him. Since their discovery, the species has gone through a lot: they're at a severe risk of habitat loss, and they're frequently hunted. Today, there are about 2,000 Francois Langurs left in the wild at maximum.

Francois Langurs are hunted for a variety of reasons: some people enjoy their glossy black fur for coats, hats, or gloves. Other people hunt and trap these small monkeys to keep as pets. In southeast Asia, Francois Langurs are also a very popular "ingredient" for traditional medicine: they say it cures aches, pains, and other ailments. Most popular is something called "black ape wine," which is made by boiling the bones of Francois Langurs. 

Luckily for Fera, Pam, and Ripley, they're safe and sound in the OKC Zoo. Maybe Fera will go on to have babies of her own one day, but for now, she's just having the time of her life being the center of attention!

New Study Shows How Having a Dog Boosts Physical Activity in Kids

Tue, 02/06/2024 - 9:00am

When you're thinking about getting a dog, it can be a really hard decision to make. Of course, your kids are the ones begging and pleading for it, but they're also not the ones the responsibility falls on. 

If you're not totally sold, just check out this video from Monday, February 5th. It might change your mind:


Have your kids been begging you for a dog? 🐶 A new study finds that getting a dog for the family increased young girls' physical activity by 52 minutes a day. #TODAYShow

♬ original sound - TODAY Show

The Today Show is definitely onto something here. When we got our puppy, my younger sister was definitely going outside more to play!

Related: Malamute Sitting Outside in Big Snowstorm Shows What These Dogs Were Bred For

According to the new study, having a dog increases a kid's physical activity by about 52 minutes every day. This can include things like going for walks, playing fetch, or running after your pup. It improves hand-eye coordination and can even help children to develop better fine motor skills!

Generally, the CDC recommends that children be active for about 60 minutes every day. This physical activity could include something simple, like running or jumping, or it can be coupled with toys that will help include their coordination overall. An easy-paced walk counts, but so does playing fetch. Games like tug-of-war also require them to flex muscles they might not otherwise. 

Dogs are also great for a child's emotional and mental development. By assigning chores and ensuring that the child feels some kind of responsibility to the dog, you're teaching them accountability. Additionally, other studies suggest that children who are raised in home with pets are more compassionate later in life than those who aren't. 

What Dog Breeds Are Best For Kids?

Regardless of the kind of dog you get, there will be some outdoor physical activity involved: the dog needs to go outside, and it will probably want to play at least a little bit. However, for some dogs, that's about where it stops. If you know you have a very active child (and you're fully committed to jumping in and taking care of the dog when needed), breeds like these can be great for kids:

  1. Golden Retrievers
  2. Labrador Retrievers 
  3. Beagles
  4. Yorkshire Terriers 

Most of the time, pups from these breeds are very active (especially in their younger years), they're good listeners, and most of them won't be too big for a child to handle. While you might be tempted to get something like a Husky, Border Collie, or an Australian Shepherd, they might be a little bit too much for your child, not to mention they require tons of stimulation that you might not be able to provide on your own. Smushy-faced dogs like bulldogs, Frenchies, or Boston Terriers might not be up to exercising enough. It's all about finding your happy middle ground!

Older Cat Sweetly Retrieves Toy for Kitten Who Can't Reach It

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 4:37pm

After years of being a cat mom, I think at this point I can safely say I've heard all of the stereotypes. They're not as lovable as dogs, they're mean, they're not social, they don't show enough affection... I've heard it all. I have also been able to experience all of those stereotypes being proven wrong by my own cats. While one of my felines is a bit more crotchety than the other, they are both so sweet to me (and my toddler, though she may love them more than they love her) and love cuddling up on their humans' lap at any opportunity. I have a bond just as tight with my kitties as I do with our dog, and it's been as rewarding a relationship as any! 

If you end up in the same arguments about cats vs. dogs that I've been in, you'll probably want to keep this video in your back pocket to argue your point a bit better. One older cat — who should, by definition, be cranky and stubborn — went out of his way to help a kitten, and it's the most adorable favor ever.


he did this for her over and over 😭😭😭 #fyp #scottishfold #catsoftiktok #catlover #kittens #cattok

♬ the winner takes it all - november ultra

The cats are named Noki and Nala, and their human has started sharing videos of their sweet bond. In this one, which was posted on TikTok recently, we can see the bigger Scottish Fold cat (yes, the same breed as two of Taylor Swift's cats) climb up a step ladder to retrieve a toy that the kitten lost... and even go on to play with it with her! 

The kitty looks more than delighted to play, and according to their human's caption, this isn't even the only time this happened. 

"He did this for her over and over," they wrote.

Anyone else getting a little teary over this, or is it just me? 

Cute Facts About Cat Siblings

Cats absolutely do create bonds with us and each other, no matter what others might say. This is especially true when they happen to be siblings — and even better, littermates. Not only can having someone around they've been with all along be a great comfort to an anxious kitten, but it also gives you the opportunity to watch their friendship grow.

Many cats will bond as kittens and stay close throughout their lives, though that isn't true in every case — cats are all different, after all. But when they grow up together, they will recognize each other by scent, and know that they come from the same place. 

In the end, it all has more to do with your individual cat's personality than anything else. Just like humans, some are cranky and stubborn, and some are happy-go-lucky all the time... but most are probably somewhere in between. 

'Puppy Bowl' Ref Dan Schachner Adopts Tiny Dog with the Perfect Name

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 4:13pm

Now that the Super Bowl is less than one week away, many football fans are gearing up for the big day. But as fun as it is to start making predictions about this year's commercials and searching for recipes for our spread on Sunday, we can't forget the other big even that is taking place on the same day — a little something called the Puppy Bowl. Every year, shelter puppies gather together to play football (or least, as close as they can get to it) inside a mini stadium, and it results in some of the most adorable footage you'll see all year. 

But before the ref, Dan Schachner, clocks in for his duties, he's got another big milestone on the agenda: Adopting the cutest little dog who couldn't possibly have a more perfect name, considering who her new dad is. This is one lucky little pup!


Does Whistle have what it takes to be a #PuppyBowl ref like @Dan Schachner? 🐶🏈 Watch Puppy Bowl next Sunday at 2p ET/11a PT on Animal Planet and stay tuned for more exciting updates from Dan and Whistle!

♬ original sound - Animal Planet

On Saturday, February 3, the official Animal Planet TikTok account — A.K.A. the network that broadcasts the Puppy Bowl each year — shared a clip of Schachner working with his new rescue dog, Whistle, on the football field. She's a tiny Poodle mix, and she is adorable.

Told you she had the perfect name! Not only does it work for who her dog is, but it works for her new gig, too, since she'll be joining Schachner as a ref for the Puppy Bowl this year.

They've been training together... and doing all those fun new puppy errands, like going to the pet store and going on walks. If this video is any indication, Whistle is very happy with her new life! 

More About Whistle

While talking to People magazine, Schachner admitted that he's been tempted to adopt a dog before in the 13 years that he's been working as the Puppy Bowl ref, he stuck to fostering dogs instead — 40 dogs to be exact.

But when they met Whistle, keeping her just felt right, and she fit in with his family right away. Schachner calls her the "clingiest, sweetest dog" he's ever met. Looks like they're best friends already! 

"It's been great. It's been a lot of changes for this little dog," he said. "If you think about it, going from the breeder, being surrendered to the rescue, and having the medical issues, and going to Puppy Bowl." 

So far, it seems like Whistle is adjusting just fine, and she's definitely going to get her moment in the spotlight at the Bowl! 

Cats' Personalities Can Apparently Be Predicted Based on Their Paw Pads

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 3:52pm

Just like people, cats have their own personality preferences and quirks that come with it.

According to one study, you can tell your cat's personality just by looking at their foot pads, aka, their toe beans. Take a look!


6 types of cat personalities based on their PAW SHAPE! Lmk which one your cat is!

♬ Yacht Club - MusicBox

On February 4, TikTok user Miki Rai (@mikiraiofficial) shared details on a study that decodes your cat's personality based on their paw pads.

Related: Cat Enthusiastically Greeting His Mom When She Wakes Up Is Definitely a 'Morning Person'

There Are Six Different Types of Paw Pads on Cats

"Did you know that you can find out a cat's personality just by looking at their paw pads?" Miki said. "Japanese researchers studied over 2,000 kittens to come to these conclusions."

There are six different pad shapes that have been tied to personalities, and Miki takes us through all of them.

The first is the heart-shaped pad. "Congratulations. You have a cat who is loving, loves to snuggle," she explains. "They're also known to be very vocal about what they want."

The second is the "grain of rice pad," which shows a small bit in the middle of the paw pads. "These cats are more shy and typically really scared of sounds," Miki explains. "Once they love you, they do trust you a lot and tend to be quite gentle."

Next up is the rice ball pad. "All three of these pads are nearly the same size," Miki shows. "They are righteous and devoted, but sometimes also a little mischievous and dominant."

The fourth shape of paw pads is Mount Fuji because it looks like Mount Fuji. "They're not super interested in humans, but they typically tend to be well-behaved," she notes. "They have a high tolerance for discomfort, so they're more likely to let you do what you want."

The fifth is the paw pad that's shaped like a Shamrock. "These guys are clingy, and they love love," Miki explains. "They're also social, playing with other cats, and love to try new things."

Finally, the last shape of the paw pad is known as the rocket pad. "These guys like to do their own thing. Their emotions are like a roller coaster. They don't love hanging out with humans, but sometimes they change their minds."

After going through the different shapes and styles, she asked viewers if their cat matched this.

"Not me tracking down my cats to give them the rundown of their personalities," one person commented.

"My cat is a polydactyl, and she has croissants," someone else joked.

"I can't tell whether my cat is a heart shaped pad or Mount Fuji," another viewer noted, "she's definitely a huge snuggle bug though!"

Reading Cat Paws Is Called 'Pawmestry'

According to The Cat Connection, Pawmestry is the "art of reading toe beans," ad it's a trend that has taken off in Japan.

"Called 'Nekteso,' a Japanese author created the art of reading cats’ paws called Akatsuki," they explain. "He developed five main personality types with even more subtypes based on our feline friends’ toe beans (that’s internet speak for the squishy little pads on our kitties’ feet)."

This isn't really a new trend; it's been around since before 2018, but it's always fascinating to revisit and see if the outlined types match the personality of our cats. 

But, of course, just like palm reading for humans, it's not always accurate. But it is always fun to investigate and see how correct it is. 

Figo Pet Insurance says that reading your cat's paws goes beyond just looking at the toe beans though. You can learn more about your cat by looking at the lines and other features on their feet and the orientation of their paws. And, apparently, this works for dogs, too.

"While there isn't an established practice of pet paw reading like there is for human palmistry, you can still engage in a fun bonding activity by examining your cat or dog's paws in a gentle and respectful manner and seeing what you learn," Figo Pet Insurance says.

Take a look at your cat's paws, does this check out?

Kitties' Over-the-Top Outdoor Catio Is the Stuff of Feline Dreams

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 3:23pm

There is so much to discover outside for our pets, and taking it all in can be really beneficial for cats. But it's not always safe to allow them outside to explore.

And that's where a catio comes in; a patio designed for a cat, and one from Wayfair is what cat dreams are made from. Take a look!

I have some big plans for this catio this summer!!! Its such a great space! Fig and Scout adore it ♥️🐾 #catio #catiolife #cats #mainecoon #adventurecats #catsoftiktok

♬ Finding a Place - David O’Dowda

In a short 42-second video posted by Fig & Scout & Family ( shared to TikTok, we get to take a look at an extravagant catio that we'd even love.

Related: Woman's Special Tiny House & Catio Built for Her Rescue Kitties Is Downright Incredible

In the video, we see a catio that looks like it could have been designed as a greenhouse, and everything inside is absolutely perfect for cats.

You walk in through the wired door into a beautiful carpeted structure with glass walls all around. Inside are a couple of high tables so the cats can get a different view. There are also a couple of sun loungers and a plant scratching pole, and they're high up in the trees to see the birds.

Inside the catio are two really cute cats who look like they're in their happiest place, taking in all the sights and feeling the breeze on their fur.

"I have some big plans for this catio this summer," the video's caption explains. "It's such a great space! Fig and Scout adore it."

In the comments, people felt this catio is amazing as well.

"Beautiful," a TikTok user shared.

"He's beautiful," one person wrote, clearly in love with the beautiful Maine Coon cat.

"Their own summerhouse. How nice from you," another shared.

There Are Incredible Catios Available on Wayfair

The TikTok user didn't share the exact catio she purchased for her two cats but did mention it's for purchase on Wayfair, and there are a few incredible outdoor cat enclosures that look similar.

"Large opening door 59.5" tall, freedom for you and your family to go inside the cage makes playing, feeding, and cleaning easy. 2 bridges satisfy your cat's instinct to jump and climb, two sleeping houses where they can rest and nap, and five platforms that allow them to jump from left to right," the description of a similar product called the Outdoor Cat House by Homhougo says.

Another catio, the Large Outdoor Cat House Enclosure with Small Houses by Forest Home, is similar but a different size; this one is sizable at 111'' H X 74'' W X 74'' L and comes with many of the same features as the other one. 

The Humane Society of the United States says having a catio -- a cat patio -- gives your cats the best of the outdoors while keeping them safe.

"These screened porches designed for cats provide enrichment and a (safe) way to spend time in nature," they explain. "An outdoor enclosure for cats can be as simple as a window box or as elaborate as a room with a floor, a roof, and furniture for people and pets."

These cats are so lucky!

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Tiger Cubs Make Their Official Public Debut

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 3:05pm

I'm lucky enough to live near an awesome zoo — Zoo Atlanta, which is the best! — and every year, we put our family's membership to good use. As an animal lover raising an animal lover, I can find plenty of excuses to spend a day at the zoo, but one of the best reasons to make the trip is to see a new inhabitant who moved in. Sometimes, that means visiting an adult animal who will now be calling the zoo home... but if you're really lucky, it means that there are babies to visit.

That happens to be the case for anyone who lives near Cleveland and is planning a trip to the zoo, because the littlest residents have finally made their public debut. These tiger cubs are too cute, and they're going to be so much fun for visitors to watch as they grow.


In their debut era. ✨ #clevelandmetroparkszoo #futureforwildlife #babyanimals #babytiger #tigercubs #tigers

♬ som original - Paulo Eduardo Marche

The official TikTok account for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio shared this adorable footage of two brand new tiger cubs who have joined the adult tigers in their enclosure.

We can see just how playful these little ones are in this clip as they run around chasing each other and even fighting (and of course, hanging out with their mama). The song playing in the video might be "Eye of the Tiger," but they've got a little training to go through if they're going to want to be on Rocky's level!

It will surprise absolutely no one to find out that commenters have been gushing about how cute these babies are. "I’ve never wanted to cuddle something so much in my life," one person wrote. Big same! 

More About the Baby Tigers at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

According to a press release from the zoo (via a local NBC affiliate), these baby Amur tigers recently turned 12 weeks old after being born on November 6. 

"The cubs are now 12 weeks old, weigh over 25 pounds and have reached several developmental milestones including transitioning to a meat diet, gaining strength and agility and spending time separated from mom," said the press release. "As the cubs adjust to their new habitat, guests will have a chance to see them daily at Rosebrough Tiger Passage, with mornings being the best time to see them as they adjust to their new habitats."

Their parents are named Zoya and Hector, but the little ones themselves, who are a boy and a girl, haven't been named just yet. Those who donate to the zoo here can vote on the potential names for the cubs and support wildlife at the same time.

I can't wait to find out more about these babies. They look like so much fun!

Livestock Guardian Dog’s Life After Leg Amputation Is So Inspirational

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 3:00pm

Livestock guardian dogs have been used for centuries to protect the valuable livestock on a farm from predators. Guarding is more than a job to them: it's who they are. It's how they express love. 

Guarding can come at a price, though. After needing an amputation, one farmer posted a video on Friday, February 2nd, to let us know that her LGD is doing just fine:


Just a quick update on Gabriel — since his leg amputation surgery. He is thriving. He is finally feeling so good, physically and mentally. We are all so proud of him. I teared up making this video. To think there were people who said he would never be able to remain a guardian. He is a warrior for his family — the rescued animals here at Rancho Relaxo. ❤️

♬ original sound - Caitlin @ Rancho Relaxo

I'm so glad that Caitlin, Gabriel, and all of the animals at Rancho Relaxo are safe and sound. Look at him go!

Related: Livestock Guardian Dog's Dedication to Protecting Newborn Lamb Is Downright Incredible

According to Caitlin's previous videos, Gabriel had been limping on and off for several months. They'd taken him to the vet, who had diagnosed him with arthritis and sent them on their way, but the limping didn't go away. After a few more months of waiting and trying to find out what was wrong, Gabriel's parents decided to amputate his leg - anything would be better than the life he was living. With his persistent limp, he was having to take days or weeks off of work to rest, and it was taking a toll on him mentally and physically. 

Though the decision was terrifying, and they were worried he'd be depressed and never able to work again, they went through with it, and thank goodness they did. Two weeks of complete rest was hard, but since he's recovered, Gabriel is back to sprinting through the field and keeping his family as safe as ever. 

Gabriel is still working because he wants to work. Had he been done, and the best decision had been to retire him from guarding, they would have: they say Gabriel has never lost his love for his job, and this video makes that perfectly clear. 

Dogs Can Live a Normal Life After Amputation

People who have never had an amputee pup might think that amputation is kind of the end of the line: you have to spend the rest of their lives trying to ensure that they're comfortable and accommodated to. They think that dogs with amputated limbs can't enjoy life the way they used to, and that's just totally wrong. 

After an amputation, a dog typically gets a lot of follow-up physical therapy. They learn how to walk again, how to stay stable on three legs. In the case of a several-limb amputation, they're usually fitted with a wheelchair. In Gabriel's case, he has both front limbs and one back limb, which gives him much more stability. His life is back to normal, and other amputee pups' lives get there, too!

14-Week-Old Yorkie 'Finding His Bark' Couldn't Possibly Be Sweeter

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 2:59pm

Just like with human babies, watching our furbabies meet milestones and learn new things is always exciting.

On February 4, TikTok user Spikey Michael (@spikeymichaeltheyorkie) shared a video of a 14-week-old puppy learning to find his voice. Take a look!


Yay Freddy, now be quiet 🤭 #yorkie #dogsoftiktok #barking

♬ original sound - Spikey Michael

In a short one-minute video, we meet Freddy, a baby Yorkie who is trying to perfect his bark.

Related: Yorkie's New Haircut Is Breaking Achy Hearts

The clip shows Freddy, a tiny Yorkie, who hears something outside the front door.

"Listen to my 14-week-old Yorkie learn to bark when he hears somebody outside," the text on the screen reads.

It's almsot hard to see Freddy at first. He's so small he could be mistaken for a stuffed child's toy or something.

His mom, who is behind the camera, talks up the sweet dog, who is clearly interested in what is outside the door.

"What is it? What is it?" his mom asks, patiently waiting while the pup keeps his laser-focused eyes on the door.

Then, we hear the little dog bark!

"You did it, Freddy! You did it, you barked," his mom shouted in excitement.

"Good boy. Do it again. You did it, Freddy! Oh, my goodness, Freddy," she added.

In the caption, his mom joked, "Yay Freddy, now be quiet," and in the comments, people were excited for Freddy.

"The shake of rage," one commenter noticed.

"I just melted," someone wrote.

"He will never stop now," someone else warned.

"My Yorkies just heard your yorkie and went nuts!!" shared another.

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking

While Freddy's mom was excited the little pup hit this milestone, she likely won't want him to always bark at the door. And that's where some training comes in. 

According to The Humane Society of the United States, preventing your dog from overly barking is easier when it's done early. 

"Barking is normal dog behavior, and puppies won’t grow out of it, but you can take positive steps to reduce it and teach your dog alternative ways to communicate," the experts explain.

A few ideas to help reduce your dog's barking is to ignore what they're doing in case they're barking to get your attention. "Your dog gets some kind of reward when they bark. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it," they continued. "Figure out what they get out of barking and work to remove it."

If you still struggle with getting your dog to bark less or only bark in certain situations and not all situations, getting help from a trainer can help, too. 

"If you believe your dog is barking reactively to strangers, family members or other dogs, or if the above tips prove unsuccessful, consider reaching out to a certified professional dog trainer for help," The Humane Society of the United States shares. 

Good job, Yorkie! We're glad you found your voice. 

Japanese Monkey Escapes Scotland Wildlife Park and Chills Out in Family's Back Yard

Mon, 02/05/2024 - 1:55pm

You really never know what any given day has in store for you. People wake up to surprises (good and bad) all the time, but some of those surprises are truly unpredictable. This is one of those moments.

In a head-scratching video shared by ABC News on TikTok, we learn that a monkey recently escaped a wildlife park in Scotland and was spotted stealing nuts from a bird feeder in a nearby backyard. Take a look:


A Japanese macaque that escaped a wildlife park in Scotland was captured after he was spotted stealing nuts from a bird feeder and roaming around a backyard. The monkey, named Honshu, was taken back to his enclosure in the park.

♬ original sound - ABC News

Can you imagine waking up and seeing a Japanese macaque just hanging out in your backyard? The monkey, named Honshu, was eventually captured and taken back to his enclosure in the park, but this escape artist certainly had some fun while he was momentarily free. I just wonder what was going through his head? Seems like he doesn't have a care in the world. 


A Japanese macaque that escaped a wildlife park in Scotland was captured after he was spotted stealing nuts from a bird feeder and roaming around a backyard. The monkey, named Honshu, was taken back to his enclosure in the park.

♬ original sound - ABC News

For one, I want to know how he escaped. It must have been pretty impressive. I mean, all wildlife parks are pretty locked down. They sort of have to be. And secondly, I want to know how he was captured and returned! Monkeys are quick and agile, spontaneous and unpredictable. It could not have been an easy task.

Honshu Had Been Missing For Over a Week

For whatever reason, I assumed Honshu had escaped the day this video was recorded. I certainly had no idea he'd been trotting around town for over a week—but he had been! 

It's honestly a miracle that Wildlife Rangers were able to capture him. 

According to a report on NPR, we learn, "Searchers tried everything to locate the Japanese macaque, but it was Yorkshire pudding that ended his freedom. A woman noticed pudding she had left on her patio was gone — then she spotted Honshu."

So, as if the scenario wasn't strange enough already, we learn that it was literally a cup of pudding that ended the month-long escapade. What!? That's hilarious. You just can't make this stuff up! 

NPR further reported: 

"A monkey who escaped from Highland Wildlife Park in Scotland is back home. The Japanese macaque known as Honshu went missing late last month. Search teams used everything from drones to whistles, but it may have been leftover Yorkshire pudding that did the trick. A woman who lives nearby put some out last week. The next morning, it was gone. She found Honshu and called the wildlife park's monkey hotline. Rangers tranquilized him and took him back to the park."

Well, I suppose that answers my question about how they captured him (I just hope the poor little guy was okay). 

At any rate, a week is a pretty long time, all things considered. What was silly Honshu doing that entire time? What were other wild animals thinking when they saw him roaming around? I wonder if he paid other families in the area a visit?

So many questions. 

The good news is he's safe and sound, back with his friends at the Highland Wildlife Park. He probably didn't realize how good he had it there—easy meals, caring humans, his monkey friends. But I have a feeling Honshu might have some extra eyeballs on him for the next few months, that's for sure. Sneaky little guy! 

Anyways, this is one moment this couple will certainly never forget.

"The feeder," the man says in the video. "He's gonna trash the feeder." To which his wife replies, "Who cares... this is so awesome."

And honestly, I couldn't agree more. So awesome, indeed. 


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