Franklin County Sheriff's Office Warns Of Potential Threat

The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and numerous law enforcement agencies have received information of posts circulating on social media sites, such as Tik Tok, stating that on Friday December 17, 2021, there is a challenge for individuals to call in bomb threats and school shooting threats across the United States.  Social Media is a powerful tool that has the potential to influence individuals, however those influences are not always appropriate.  At this time, there is no known threats to any schools in Franklin County.  It is important the public understands that vigilance in reporting potential threats is necessary for the safety of the public and our schools.  We ask that parents take the time to speak to their children about the potential consequences of engaging in this dangerous behavior.  The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Cybercrime Unit and other investigators are standing by to investigate any threats schools in Franklin County may receive and charges will be applied for in regards to juveniles or adults.  As a result of this potential threat, there will be a stronger than normal law enforcement presence at all schools in Franklin County until Christmas break.  Again, we ask that our communities continue to be vigilant and report any threats.

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