Fair Board Votes To Support Sullivan Proposed Parks Tax

The Meramec Community Fair Board unanimously voted Feb. 21 to issue their support for the City of Sullivan’s proposed Parks Improvement Tax on the April 4 ballot.

If approved, the would not change the tax rate in Sullivan, as the city would remove the last of the transportation sales tax, which was set to sunset, and instead continue the half-cent tax for the parks system and future improvements.

“The MCF Board realizes that this tax will help the entire Sullivan Parks system and the fairgrounds are a big part of the parks system,” said James Bartle, President MCF. “Although we generally use the fairgrounds in late June for our fair, other organizations and groups utilize it throughout the year and we hope to utilize the grounds more in the future. The key is there are improvements we would like to work hand in hand with the city in the future and know that some of these funds could very well help the parks, help us to also improve the fairgrounds.”

According to Bartle, the MCF Board will be issuing a Resolution of Support for the proposed half-cent sales tax and would encourage other organizations that utilize the parks system to speak up and support this tax that could provide major impacts to the park system going forward.

Bartle is expected to present the Resolution Letter of Support to the City of Sullivan during the month of March and prior to the April election.

Sullivan Independent News

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Sullivan, MO 63080

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