Practical POCUS Recipient Of $2.9 Million Grant Through DED

Practical POCUS, the ultrasound education company based in Cuba, was announced Jan. 24 as the recipient of a nearly $3 million award through the Missouri Department of Economic Development.

The grant came through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and is for workforce training. 

Missouri launched the ARPA Workforce Training Grant Program in August 2022.

Practical POCUS (Point-of-Care Ultrasound) is building its training site in Cuba.

The company received a large chunk of Crawford County’s ARPA funds in January 2022.

The commission voted to award $540,000 to cover the rehabilitation of a building and 240 training sessions valued at $1,000.

Practical POCUS will use the $2.9 million to offer its ultrasound education to Missouri’s medical professionals at no cost.

Nurses, physicians and paramedics are able to train on point of care ultrasound, which can provide rapid results to hospitals and quickly start treatment. 

According to a press release, Practical POCUS aims to train 7 percent of the nurses, physicians and EMS workers in Missouri.

Chip Lange, the company’s founder, said many of the workers who would receive training are lower in the salary schedule and training could boost their skillset and their ability to receive more pay.

According to data from the DED, around 7,000 people stand to benefit from Practical POCUS’ grant. 

Practical POCUS received one of the largest of the $30 million that was awarded.

The Missouri Chamber Foundation received $3 million to train medical assistants, EMTS, processing techs and billing and coding workers.

The Sikeston R-6 School District received $3 million for the Sikeston Future Workforce Expansion (SFWE), which will train welders.

Meet the Need, Inc. received $2.5 million for its training and education program in shipyard welding, forklifts, Missouri Class A and B CDL licenses and computer coding.

It will benefit those in Mississippi, New Madrid, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Ste. Genevieve, Pemiscot, Perry, Butler, Dunking, Bollinger and St. Francois counties.

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