County To Seek Funding For Bridges

Crawford County will seek repairing and replacing bridges through a non-profit organization.

During the Nov. 7 meeting, county commissioners agreed to adopt a letter of intent for funds from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

The Nature Conservative, a non-governmental, non-profit organization, will be applying for the funds on the county’s behalf.

Rob Pulliam of the Nature Conservative told commissioners the organization is dedicated to the resiliency of land and water.

He told commissioners there is funding available to assist with bridge repair and replacement.

Pulliam said bridges on John Coleman and Sellers Ford would benefit the most.

Both are located in District 1.

The projects also would involve stream bank stabilization.

The county would only have to contribute in-kind contributions, like labor.

Pulliam told commissioners that Crawford County has been ahead of the curve in getting the funding and bridgework assistance.

Commissioners talked about getting assistance to District 2, but Fish and Wildlife focuses most of its efforts on forestry and conservation lands.

District 1 contains those types of areas.

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