Paving Scheduled To Begin On Industrial Drive

The Bourbon Fire Protection District said Thursday night that paving is set to begin soon on the stretch of Industrial Drive from the entrance to the edge of the property.

Paving the street and bringing it to the city’s specs is part of an agreement put in place between the fire district and city of Bourbon.

The city transferred the property in the industrial park to the fire district for the use of a new building, which was completed in 2017.

Once the road has been paved, the city will be responsible for maintenance.

Right now, the fire board says the city fills in holes when they appear, but it’s not graded. 

Mayor Dave Lafferty has taken issue with the fire district not having the road completed twice in the past year.

Last summer, as the city fought the fire district over the building and occupancy permits, Lafferty reminded the board of its failure to honor the agreement.

Lafferty mentioned it again in April when the fire district was questioning its first-ever water bill from the city.

Director Kevin Ware said Thursday the deal was put in place when Leonard Armstrong was mayor and that it never had a time limit for completion.

NB West will be paving the road and the district has committed $120,000 to the project.

The board said residents on Colonial Woods have been notified that work will be starting and they anticipate only one side of the road being closed at a time.

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