County Unemployment Falls To 4.2%

Unemployment in Crawford County fell more than a half point in March.

The rate dropped from 4.8% to 4.2%.

Unemployment has fallen nearly two points since December.

It rose from 4.1% to 6% from November to December, but has been in decline since.

The rate fell to 5.8% in January and 4.8% in February.

A year ago, unemployment rose from 4.7% in February to 5.8% in March as the COVID-19 pandemic set in.

Unemployment had been on the rise in Crawford County since the final quarter of 2019.

The rate bottomed out at 2.6% in September, then gradually rose.

By January and February, it was at 4.7%.

Stay-at-home orders to combat the pandemic went into effect in April 2020, forcing many businesses to temporarily close or reduce staff.

Unemployment skyrocketed to 9.5% that month, but it gradually fell over the next six months.

The rate was just 3.8% in October.

Neighboring Counties

Dent County’s unemployment fell from 3.8% to 3.5%.

Franklin County unemployment dropped nearly a full point, going from 4.3% to 3.4%.

Gasconade County unemployment decreased from 4.6% to 4.1%.

Iron County unemployment dipped from 5.1% to 4.3%.

Phelps County unemployment fell from 7% to 5.7%.

Washington County unemployment went from 13.5% to 9.1%.

Sullivan Independent News

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