Bourbon Fire Protection District Board of Directors Candidate

Election on Tuesday, April 6

My Name is Jason Delashmit, 

I'm seeking a position on the Bourbon Fire Board of Directors

List of Employment and skills: I currently am in charge of all operations and financial obligation for McNew Electric LLC. In my Position with McNew Electric I make all decisions on managing employees and all financial decisions as far as budgets, payroll, and invoicing. I believe that my business knowledge will be very valuable to me as I make decisions on the tax payers behalf for the Bourbon Fire District.

What are some of the important topics I would like to address when elected?: I've talked to all of the Firefighters and the Chief in the past few weeks and asked what is needed the most in this district and almost all of them came  back to me with the same answers.  We need more volunteers. We have a great team of firefighters but they need more help. I would like to help get the junior firefighter program back up and running. I'd like to get our firefighters out into the community and show people what its like to volunteer with the fire district. We also need to get a social media campaign going to recruit more volunteer firefighters.
Another thing that is needed is more training. I would like to help get a great training program going for our firefighters. All of this will help to lower our ISO rating an that will lower all of your insurance rates.

 A Little bit about me: 
I've Lived in the Bourbon area since September 2000, I moved here when I finished my enlistment in the Marine Corps. I'm currently in charge of all operations and all financial obligations of McNew Electric that range from Employee management to payroll and invoices. I'm responsible for making sure that all of our projects from small service calls to Multi-million dollar commercial projects are finish on time and under budget. I believe that the skills that I have acquired from my time in the Marine Corps and in my position at McNew Electric have prepared me for this position on the fire Board. My #1 priority is to the tax payers and to making sure that there hard earned tax dollars are spent wisely. I'm also going to help the district accomplish as many of there priorities possible while keeping our community safe. I'm looking forward to serving on the Bourbon fire board of directors and when elected will be completing my fire board training (that is required to get many grants) on May 1st.  Thank you, I would appreciate your vote on April 6th.

Sullivan Independent News

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Sullivan, MO 63080

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